Saturday, October 25, 2008

Apple Picking and Pie!

It all started about two weeks ago when my co-workers decided we should go apple picking. We picked a day and a time and I was all set to go meet them when Brian said, "My roommates are going to a corn maze."

As you can imagine, I was torn. Both were Fall activities I had been lusting for. Then Brian told me the farm with the corn maze also had apple picking, and I was sold. A corn maze AND apple picking? My fall dreams had been answered.

Arriving home with a peck of apples and a bunch of stress about the upcoming semester to relieve through bake therapy, I set about to do the first thing and stressed person with apples would: Make an apple pie.

Recipe to come!

1 comment:

Kayli said...

That pie looks delicious. I'm glad you have a blog, and I'm glad it's about food. :)