Monday, August 3, 2009

Spaghetti Pie and More!

It's been way too long but I still don't really feel like blogging. I'm sorry!! I've been keeping busy volunteering for the fabulous Community Servings until my classes begin. I'm still cooking, I'm just a bit behind on writing about it.

As promised, here are some pictures of my spaghetti pie:

Flaky and delicious.

Some veggies would really make this tasty!

Other things I've been baking:

Orangette's Winning Hearts and Mind's Cake - a deliciously decadent cake for chocolate lovers.

And some cute little berry cobblers by the Pioneer Woman!

These are some of my favorite food bloggers. I hope you like their stuff!

1 comment:

Kayli said...

Mmm, thanks for the recipes! I will be trying the raspberry cobblers soon. :)